About Us

PORTSWORLD ACADEMY (Malaysia) is a research & consulting-based training provider incorporated in Malaysia focusing on career pathway, curricula enhancement, micro credentialing & professional upskilling programmes and courses. Our programme offerings are aimed at graduating students and industry entrants as well as adult learners. With an eye to help improve employability of graduating students we offer “new-age” career direction, through our online and offline immersive & experiential learning platforms.

PORTSWORLD, widely engaged in consultancy & research, has established itself as a curricula developer and designer for industry-based training programmes and courses. It draws its strength as a leading industry data management and research and consultancy spearheaded by industry experts engaged in public policy formulation.

PORTSWORLD works closely with the industry and also inter-acts with the industry and policy planners with a view to developing and promoting greater professionalism in the development of the freight logistics industry. We have developed competency-based academic as well as professional and skill-based courses programmes. We offer training programmes to the industry, including short customised courses to address specific needs within a single company or the industry.
Our delivery methods include face-to-face lectures, workplace-based training, site visits, internship/immersion programmes and on-line tutorials and training. We are now migrating to providing online learning on proven Learning Management System as part of our global outreach.

PORTWORLD, a collaborative partner with ASIA EUNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (AeU), also provides, in partnership with awarding organisations, pathways courses through Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) for working adults to gain academic and professional credentials through local and international universities/colleges.
We also deliver student education immersion & mobility programmes and education study tours, including benchmarking tours for academe from HEIs.

PWA has been active for several years now in the Philippines fostering internationalisation of education linkages with several HEIs through our certification programmes & initiatives in education.

Our partnerships with HEIs in the Philippines include:

Two of our iconic programmes – Professional Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management and International Student Education Study Tour were among the three international linkage programmes which helped The College of Business & Accountancy of OUR LADY OF THE FATIMA UNIVERSITY to be selected as a recipient of the 1st Philippines Higher Education Internationalisation Award 2021 by the COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION (https://www.fatima.edu.ph/news-announcement/ched-and-up-open-university-awards-hei-internationalization-award-to-the-college-of-business-and-accountancy/)

Selected Engagements (Public Sector)

Review of regulatory and operational processes with a view to facilitating development of seaborne e-Commerce trade via Port Klang.)

Study on Reducing Regulatory Burden on the Logistics Sector. (Presented to the Chief Secretary of the Government) Study on Regulating Off-dock Container Depots at Port Klang.

Subject Matter Expert as Team Member with Frost & Sullivan Study for National Logistics & Trade Facilitation Masterplan (2016-2020), (Recommendations incorporated in the 11th Malaysia Development Plan 2016-2020)

Co-author of Blueprint on Development of the Malaysian Maritime Industry

Technical Writer for Resource Group Logistics for the Third Industrial Master Plan (2006-2020)

Roadmap for the Development of Freight Logistics Industry. Findings presented to Malaysian Logistics Council/Ministry of International Trade

Study on the Impact of Economic Downturn on the Transport and the Logistics Services Sector. (Remedial measures & supportive mechanism to assist shipping industry address economic downturn.)

Selected Engagements (Private Sector)

Proposal for Government Intervention Mechanism to assist the Malaysian Shipping Industry; Market Report on Status of Bulk Shipping (Coal Shipment) in Malaysia

Independent Market Study on Offshore Supply Shipping Services Sector

Independent Market Study on Domestic Shipping Industry in Malaysia for presentation to Securities Commission (for IPO offering)

Market Report on Peninsular Malaysia Oil & Gas Development, Exploration and Production, Kemasin Supply Base

Member of Danzas-AEI Team for Shell Exploration Malaysia/Brunei Logistics Costs Study

Feasibility Report on Passenger Cruise Services between Pen. Malaysia and India

Study on Feasibility of Establishing Distribution Centre/Logistics Hub at Sepang, Malaysia

Proposal to Establish An Inland Port at Kulim Hi-tech Park in Kulim, Kedah

Education-Related Engagement

Designed & Developed Curricula on Logistics, Shipping, Ports and Supply Chain Management for Certificate, Professional Diploma and Executive Degree-level Courses